Another Butterfly

In his newest release, Another Butterfly, Howchi Kilburn’s four spiritual nomads are as comfortable crossing the rugged terrain of northern New Mexico as they are crossing over into the unchartered spirit world. Readers of his 2021 release, Monking Around, will continue their mystical journey with Wu, Daphne, Aiyana and Atsa, as they gain the knowledge they will need in order to help foster a new world guided by ancient Goddess wisdom, rather than modern materialism.

And who better to tell their story? Kilburn came of age in San Francisco’s Haight-Asbury drop-out—tune-in culture, and was inspired by the likes of poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti, writers Herman Hesse, Jack Kerouac, and Carlos Castaneda. He has participated in sacred Native American and European pagan ceremonies, and is well-versed in the world’s classic myths and origin stories.

Perhaps one of KIlburn’s strongest qualifications is that he is not some armchair mystic—he literally walks the walk. As a wilderness guide, he has led numerous vision fasts in the mountains of northern California where he lives, as well as in the Carpathian Mountains in Eastern Europe. In short, Howchi Kilburn’s own life has been one long vision quest.

Another Butterfly follows no traditional plot line, anymore than our individual lives do. Instead, it opens unseen doors, and invites readers to explore other realms on a journey to self-discovery.

The book is available at Amazon in paperback as well as e-book here > Another Butterfly

To listen to a podcast by the author, follow any of these links: Apple, Spotify, or

Published 2022 by Atmosphere Press:

—Stephen Newton




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